Greek Root(s) | Definition(s) | Example(s) of Root(s) |
acro | tip, top, apex, pointed | acropolis, acrophobia |
agogos, agein | to lead, to direct, to incite | demagogue, pedagogic |
agon, agonia | struggle, contest | antagonist, agony |
agro, agros | field, earth, soil | agronomy, agrostology |
algia | pain | neuralgia, diaphragmalgia |
allo, allos | other, departure from normal | allopath, allogamy |
andros, aner, anthropos | man, stamen | anthropomorphic, androsphinx |
anemo, anemos | wind | anemometer, anemophilous |
archaeo, archaios | ancient, old, original | archaeology, archeozoic |
arch, archos | chief, first, rule | monarch, archipelago, archangel |
aristo, aristos | best | aristocracy, aristocrat |
astron, aster, astro | star | aster, astral |
auto, autos | self | autoharp, autoimmune, autochthon |
baro, baros | pressure, weight | barograph, barometer |
barys | heavy | barium, hyperbaric |
biblos, biblion | book, of books | bibliopole, bibliolatry |
bios | life, living things | biocenosis, bionics, biopsy |
caco | bad, poor, evil | cacophony, cacoethes |
chiro, cheir | hand | chiromancy, chiropter |
chroma, chromato | color | chromomere, chromoprotein |
chrono, chronos | time | chronograph, chronicle |
cosmos | world, order | cosmography, cosmic |
cracy, crat | type of government | theocracy, bureaucrat |
crypto | hide | cryptogam, cryptogenic |
cyclos | circular, wheel | cyclothymia, cyclorama |
deca | ten | Decapolis, decaliter |
demos | people | demographics, endemic, democrat |
dendron | tree | dendrochronology, dendroid |
derma | skin | hypodermic, dermoid |
deutero, deuter | second | Deuteronomy, deuterocanonical |
didonai, dosis | give | dose, dosage |
dis, di | twice, doubly | dichotomy, dipody |
doxo | opinion, praise | heterodox, doxology |
dynamis | power | dynamo, dyne |
esthesia | the ability to feel sensation | anesthesia, aesthetics |
ethnos | race, nation | ethnomusicology, ethnocentrism |
gamos | marriage | monogamy, polygamy |
gastro | stomach | gastritis, gastrolith, gastric |
ge, geo | earth | geodesic, geometry |
gen, geno | race, kind, descent | Genesis |
glot, glossa | tongue, language | glossary, monoglot, glossalalia |
glyphe | carving | petroglyph, glyphography |
gon | figure having angles | pentagon, polygon |
gonos | to produce | cosmogony, theogony |
gramma, gram | something written or drawn | telegram, electrocardiogram |
grapho | write | lithography, graphology |
gyn, gyneco | woman, women | misogyny, gyniatrics, gynarchy |
hemo, hema | blood | hemoglobin, hematoma |
hedron, hedral, hedra | side, base, seat | hexahedral, polyhedron |
helios | sun, bright | heliotropic, helium, heliograph |
hemi | half | hemisphere, hemicranial |
hepta | seven | heptahedron, heptameter |
hexa | six | hexameter, hexahedron |
hiero | sacred, holy | hieroglyphic, hierophant |
hydor, hydro | water | hydroponics, hydrology |
hypno | sleep | autohypnosis, hypnotoxin |
icono | image, likeness, figure | iconology, iconostasis |
ideo | idea | ideogram, ideophone |
isos | equal, alike, identical | isocracy, isometric |
kilo, chilioi | thousand | chiliarch, kilocalorie, kilovolt |
klastes | breaker, broken | iconoclast, clastic |
latreia | service, worship | idolatry, demonolatry |
lithos, lite | stone | chrysolite, lithotomy |
logos | word, study | logic, logomachy |
lysis | to loosen | analysis, electrolysis |
macros, macro | enlarged, elongated | macrocosm, macropterous |
mania | madness | pyromania, kleptomania |
mega | large, powerful | megapod, megalith |
megalo | large, great, enlarged | megalocardia, megalomania |
metron | measure | thermometer, metronome |
micros, micro | small | microcosm, microphone |
miso, misein | to hate | misogyny, misology, misoneism |
monos | one, alone | monocle, monosyllable |
morphe | form | metamorphic, morphallaxis |
mytho | myth | mythological, mythos |
naus, nautes | ship, sailor | naumachia, astronaut, navigation |
necro | physical death, corpse | necrology, necrophagia |
neos | new, young | Neoplatonism, neoprene |
neuron, neuro | nerve | neuritis, neuropteran |
nomos | law, science, management | nomography, astronomer |
octo | eight | octagonal, octogenarian |
oligo | few, scant, small | oligarchy, oliguria |
onoma, onym | name | allonym, homonym |
opsis, optic, ophthalmo | view, sight | optical, amblyopia |
ornitho | bird, birds | ornithopter, ornithosis |
oro | mountain | orogenic, orology |
orthos | right, correct | orthography, orthogenesis |
osteon | bone | osteoporosis, ossify |
pais, paidos | child | pediatric, pedobaptism |
paleo | ancient, early, prehistoric | paleontology, paleolithic |
pan | all, every | pandemonium, Pandora |
pater, patri | father | patronymic, patrician |
pathos, path | suffering, disease | empathy, pathogen |
ped, pedo | small child | pediatrics, pedant, pedobaptism |
penta | five | Pentateuch, pentathlon |
petros | rock, stone | petrography, petrol |
phago, phage | eating, destroying | anthropophagite, phagocyte |
phainein | to show, be visible | emphasis, fantasy, fancy |
philos | loving | philharmonic, philately |
phobia, phobos | fear, dread | photophobia, xenophobia |
phone | sound, speak | phonograph, phoneme |
phos, photo | light | photobiotic, phosgene |
physis, physio | nature | physiologic, physiocrat |
plasma | form | plasmodium, deutoplasm |
pneuma | air, breath, spirit | pneumothorax, pneumococcus |
podos, pous | foot | octopus, chiropodist, podiatry |
polis | city | politician, Neopolitan, police |
polys | many | polynomial, polymer |
protos | first | proton, protozoa |
pseudes, pseudo | false, fake | pseudoscience, pseudosalt |
psycho | soul, mind, breath | psychometry, psychosis |
ptero | feather, wing | pterosaur, pteropod |
pyr | fire | pyromaniac, pyrography, pyretic, pyrogen |
rheo, rrhea | flow, current | logorrhea, rheophile |
schizo | cleave, cut | schizogenesis, schizogony |
scopos, skopein | spy, watcher, to see | telescope, otoscope |
seismo | earthquake | seismology, seismic |
sophia | wisdom | sophomoric, sophist |
sphero | sphere, ball, layer of gas | ionosphere, atmosphere, spheroid |
static | causing to stand | hydrostatics, electrostatic |
taphos | tomb, bury | epitaph |
techno | art | tectonic, technocrat |
tele | far, far off | telemetry, telencephalon |
temno, tomos | cut, that which is cut off, out | appendectomy, lobotomy, tome |
tetra | four | tetrarch, Tetragrammaton |
thanato | death | thanatopis, thanatology, euthanasia |
theos | god | monotheism, theophany |
therapy | to cure, nurse | therapeutics, heliotherapy |
thermo | heat | thermophile, thermotaxis |
thesis, tithenai | position | synthesis, thesis |
topo | place, local | toponym, topographic, topic |
typos | type, figure, model | typography, typify |
zoon | animal | zoogenic, zoonosis |